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Step Into 


Your Power



 Through the integration of the Psychic Mediumship, Akashic Records, Life Lessons, Life Situations, Astrology, Past Life Regression, Intuition & Reiki, I will help you to deepen your understanding of your souls journey, connect with your purpose and address blocks of resistance which may show up. We will combine these tools with strategies to help you gain clarity and confidence to transform your life and Step into your power.

With over two decades of experience, I have assisted clients in transforming their lives by helping them to step into their potential and recognizing their souls purpose. 

Throughout the Step in to your Power Mentorship program we will create tools for you to continue on your path and step you into your divine destiny. 



I believe there are no coincidences in this life! I am willing to bet you  were guided here because of an inner knowingness that you are ready to Step Into Your Power and Transform your life!



  • You want to find and deepen your Souls purpose

  • You would like support and clarity to move forward 

  • You are feeling stuck in your life and where you are heading

  • You would like to become stronger with your gifts

  • You need help growing your business

  • You are focused on healing, growing and evolving 

  • You are ready to have a huge break through in your life or business. You have a big vision and exciting dreams for yourself and need help bringing them into manifestation.

This Mentorship is for you if:


Invest In You


Step into your Power Mentorship is a one-month or two-month transformative journey that will help you shine your light, feel empowered, grow and evolve. This one-on-one mentorship program is for anyone who is desiring to find and deepen their soul’s purpose.

Two-Month Step into your Power Mentorship:

8 Weeks of 1:1 Mentorship

 One-Month Step into your Power Mentorship:

4 weeks of 1:1 Mentorship 

When you choose to work with me, you will have 1:1 support with your questions and guidance in assisting you at a deep level on your journey of healing your fears, limiting beliefs, anxieties, karma, blocks and resistance that are keeping you stuck and disempowered. 

Are you ready to Step into your Power and Shine your Light? 

If you are ready for a transformation and want to learn more click the button below!

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